Office of the Commissioner
Acronym list...: DHHS/ACF/ACYF/OC
Parent Organizations
Immediate Staff Positions
- Commissioner (Acting), Jim A. Harrell
- Phone......: 202-205-8347
- Fax........: 202-205-9721
- Location...: 330 C Street, S.W.
Room 2026
Washington DC 20204
- Deputy Commissioner, Jim Harrell
- Phone......: 202-205-8347
- Location...: 330 C Street, S.W.
Room 2026
Washington DC 20204
- Administrative Officer, Ed L. Perez
- Phone......: 202-205-8246
- Fax........: 202-205-9552
- E-mail.....: edperez@ACF.DHHS.GOV
- Location...: 330 C Street, S.W.
Room 1322
Washington DC 20204
- Special Assistant to the Commissioner, Gilda H. Lambert
- Phone......: 202-205-8347
- Fax........: 202-205-9721
- E-mail.....: glambert@ACF.DHHS.GOV
- Location...: 330 C Street, S.W.
Room 2032
Washington DC 20204
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